How does jewelry cleaner work on germs?

The Experts of Jewelry Cleaning

Expert jewelry cleaning advice from industry leaders

Jewelers of America Webinar

Kristie Nicolosi, President & CEO of The Kingswood Company, provides an in-depth look at how jewelry cleaner works, in-store cleaning routines, and tips to boost sales with jewelry cleaner.

Plumb Club Podcast

Learn about the best jewelry cleaning methods, legal advice, and sales strategies from a panel of industry professionals.

National Jeweler Article

One of National Jeweler’s most popular articles of 2020. Find out how to keep jewelry clean, what not to do, and the difference between cleaning and disinfecting.

Plumb Club Podcast

The Plumb Club’s monthly podcast features TKC’s CEO, Kristie Nicolosi, where she discusses why jewelry cleaning products directly from jewelry retailers are needed more now than ever.

How does jewelry cleaner work on germs?

dotClipart of surfactant attracted to debris

Surfactant cleaning molecules are attracted to oils, dirt and grime on jewelry.

dotClipart of surfactant attaching to debris

When the jewelry soaks, the surfactants attach to the oils and grime.

dotClipart of surfactant removing debris

The surfactant molecules remove the debris, leaving jewelry sparkling like new.

Click below to learn more about surfactants

The Secret to Sparkle: Surfactants

As the experts in Jewelry Care, we get a lot of questions about our jewelry care products. But the question our team of experts get most of all is: “How exactly does your cleaner work?”